♫ I called to say I'm working late tonight
to cancel our dinner date
but she just said thats alright
and just like that she makes some other plans
saw a movie with a couple friends
had herself a ball
oh cause afterall
she's her own woman
without me, she does fine
she's her own woman - Brad Paisley ♫
to cancel our dinner date
but she just said thats alright
and just like that she makes some other plans
saw a movie with a couple friends
had herself a ball
oh cause afterall
she's her own woman
without me, she does fine
she's her own woman - Brad Paisley ♫
I think the one thing I've learned through the last few years is that I need my independence. I see how many women there are out there that get out and have independence and I figure, why can't I have that? Granted, I have it all I want now, but I can't ever lose it. I've lost it once, never again. I also know I don't get out as much as I used to. So my goal - and possibly my new years resolution, get out once a month and go have girl time. Becoming a single mom has taken over my life.
So last night I had such a packed day with Bug. I can't tell you the last time I did something like that! We went and took pictures - he's sooooo cute.
It don't get much cuter than this.
The love of my life - he gets cuter as the days pass. He's going to be a heartbreaker...correction, he already is a heartbreaker with those eye lashes.
I finally finished my medical terminology class that was taking over any waking moment I had available. Yay for an A! That class kicked some serious ass. I made Dean's list for the summer, can't wait to get one for the fall. I know, I know, I missed graduating with honors with my first degree by .05 - NOT gonna happen this time around.
So yesterday after we went and saw big sis (aunty Melissa), dad (Big Bob), and brother Alec (cousin Alec). We unfortuantely took so much time getting pictures done that we missed the run, but caught the end of the award ceremony.
After that we hit up a little lunch with Aunty Dawn. Bug's been asking about her, so we decided to do lunch, errands, and hang out a bit because it's been such a long time. We've decided we need to hang out a little more often then once every 6 mos...
Well after Aunty Dawn time, we decided to spend time with Aunty Michelle, Baby Avery, and Uncle Scottie. Seeing as how Uncle Wade went out with Bubbie and Zayda, Michelle and I have been spending some time together since we all started talking again and decided to craft and have some girl time.Well for starters I decided to pick up some wine and dinner. Well that went GREAT. I bought some white wine to go with our pasta and then realized there was no wine opener. Yes, that is how it goes with Michelle and I. We went shopping one time and kept picking out the same things. So as we decided what to do about the wine we decided to save the hassle and just make a liquor store run. Okay - confession, the last time I made a liquor store run I was in college. Then to top it off, I bought Mike's Hard Lemonade...yeah I can't even tell you the last time I drank that before last night.
I attempted crafting - always goes well when step-by-step directions are involved. I learned how to ruffle and make a flower.
Don't laugh. It was my first attempt...
The final product was a burlap stocking - pretty awesome idea. Yay for Michelle and all her blogs and crafting ideas.
If I could get the phone to email me the picture I'd post it up. In the mean time, here's the link to Michelle's blog. Burlap Stocking
Side note: Yay for the holidays! Can't wait to buy the Christmas tree and decorate. They sell these in Old Town. I would love more than anything to own one.
♫ Christmas time is here
Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the year
Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share
Sleigh bells in the air
Beauty everywhere
Yuletide by the fireside
And joyful memories there
Christmas time is here
We'll be drawing near
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year... ♫
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