Sunday, November 21, 2010

Through this road I have traveled...

I have learned who my true friends/family are.

♫ Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down the road and back again
Your heart is true your a pal and a confidant.

And if you through a party
Invited everyone you ever knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say thank you for being a friend. ♫

The lights at the end of my tunnels are becoming one and getting closer. In the next month I will have finalized my divorce, won custody of my son, and taken a huge step forward in putting my life back together. I've noticed the last couple of weeks I've started seeing glimpses of the old me. I can't even begin to express how excited and happy I am to have the old me coming back through. The smallest victories end up being the biggest.

I am sooooo excited for Thanksgiving and the holidays! We have had such wonderful winter weather that is to include lots of rain and indoor activities! With a three year old it gets hard containing all that excitement and energy. So what do we do?

Yay for being messy and making little hand prints. I was looking at his art and all I could do was think how much he's grown and he's not little anymore. :( His little hands are getting bigger! It's so cute to see how he changes as the years grow. Now if only I can get that kid to gain some weight on his little body that would be great!!

My little boy is growing up - as long as he's happy and healthy I guess I'll let him get a little bigger. Not much, just a little...

Today was another wonderful family day. It was Uncle Scottie's birthday party! He's finally 21! WOOHOO. I really need to start getting more pictures of him. Unfortunately I didn't have Bug. (Not to worry that will change very soon!! WOOT!) But of course I got a picture of my adorable baby niece Avery.

This little one is going to be very spoiled with me as Aunty. I already can't make it through Target without shopping and getting something for her every time I get Bug something. Oh well - she's the only little girl I have to shop for at the moments so until I have my own she's just gonna have to suffer and get clothes from me. I'm sure no one will complain! ♥

♫ We are family
I got all my sisters with me
We are family
Get up ev'rybody and sing

Ev'ryone can see we're together
As we walk on by and we fly just like birds of a feather
I won't tell no lie all of the people around us they say
Can they be that close
Just let me state for the record
We're giving love in a family dose ♫

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am woman -

Hear me roar...OH. MY. GOODNESS. What a hectic two weeks it's been and it's only going to get crazier! I don't know where to even start with this...where else - with a song that's playing in my iPod. Brady Paisley actually wrote all his love songs about it he just doesn't know it...WHAT!? A girl can dream, can't she?

♫ I called to say I'm working late tonight
to cancel our dinner date
but she just said thats alright
and just like that she makes some other plans
saw a movie with a couple friends
had herself a ball
oh cause afterall

she's her own woman
without me, she does fine
she's her own woman - Brad Paisley ♫

I think the one thing I've learned through the last few years is that I need my independence. I see how many women there are out there that get out and have independence and I figure, why can't I have that? Granted, I have it all I want now, but I can't ever lose it. I've lost it once, never again. I also know I don't get out as much as I used to. So my goal - and possibly my new years resolution, get out once a month and go have girl time. Becoming a single mom has taken over my life.

So last night I had such a packed day with Bug. I can't tell you the last time I did something like that! We went and took pictures - he's sooooo cute.

It don't get much cuter than this.

The love of my life - he gets cuter as the days pass. He's going to be a heartbreaker...correction, he already is a heartbreaker with those eye lashes.

I finally finished my medical terminology class that was taking over any waking moment I had available. Yay for an A! That class kicked some serious ass. I made Dean's list for the summer, can't wait to get one for the fall. I know, I know, I missed graduating with honors with my first degree by .05 - NOT gonna happen this time around.

So yesterday after we went and saw big sis (aunty Melissa), dad (Big Bob), and brother Alec (cousin Alec). We unfortuantely took so much time getting pictures done that we missed the run, but caught the end of the award ceremony.

After that we hit up a little lunch with Aunty Dawn. Bug's been asking about her, so we decided to do lunch, errands, and hang out a bit because it's been such a long time. We've decided we need to hang out a little more often then once every 6 mos...

Well after Aunty Dawn time, we decided to spend time with Aunty Michelle, Baby Avery, and Uncle Scottie. Seeing as how Uncle Wade went out with Bubbie and Zayda, Michelle and I have been spending some time together since we all started talking again and decided to craft and have some girl time.Well for starters I decided to pick up some wine and dinner. Well that went GREAT. I bought some white wine to go with our pasta and then realized there was no wine opener. Yes, that is how it goes with Michelle and I. We went shopping one time and kept picking out the same things. So as we decided what to do about the wine we decided to save the hassle and just make a liquor store run. Okay - confession, the last time I made a liquor store run I was in college. Then to top it off, I bought Mike's Hard Lemonade...yeah I can't even tell you the last time I drank that before last night.

I attempted crafting - always goes well when step-by-step directions are involved. I learned how to ruffle and make a flower.

Don't laugh. It was my first attempt...

The final product was a burlap stocking - pretty awesome idea. Yay for Michelle and all her blogs and crafting ideas.

If I could get the phone to email me the picture I'd post it up. In the mean time, here's the link to Michelle's blog. Burlap Stocking

Side note: Yay for the holidays! Can't wait to buy the Christmas tree and decorate. They sell these in Old Town. I would love more than anything to own one.

♫ Christmas time is here
Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the year

Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share

Sleigh bells in the air
Beauty everywhere
Yuletide by the fireside
And joyful memories there

Christmas time is here
We'll be drawing near
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year... ♫

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This is the song that never ends...

....yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they'll continue singing it forever just because...This is the song that never ends...

I swear there are days where I hear one song and I just can't stop singing it. I have to admit Reba McEntire and women are strong tend to be my favorite. Her songs, no matter how upset or pissed off I am can get me out of a mood in no time.

Today is my Bug day! Woohoo. I picked up Bug today and noticed he had a busted lip. His first one!!

I know it doesn't look too bad, but it's horrible. His little teeth and the little boys head did so much damage. It's discolored and it's pretty torn up on the inside of his lip. Oh well, boys will be boys and accidents happen. The joys of rasing a child of the opposite sex on your own always provides for entertainment. There are days I ask him where the manual is and he just looks at me like I'm crazy and I missed the memo that says I have to figure this out on my own. Well, thanks for the warning. He's luck he's cute and I love him more than anything in this world.

Alright, I have to get to bed because I have been staying up late hours and it's kicking me in the bottom. Plus because I have Bug my days start at least an hour earlier. Man I can't wait for the weekend to sleep in.

Until then I leave you with the song that I have been singing all day...

♫ It's everywhere you look
If you look hard enough
Its really not hard to see
Yeah, once you put your arms around it
You can never get too much
Love is a sweet, sweet thing

It's in the smile of a stranger
In the eyes of a child
On the corner of a crowded street
Its everywhere around us
Its always growing wild
Love is a sweet, sweet thing - Faith Hill ♫

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

To infinity and beyond....

♫ You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
If you've got troubles,I've got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
We stick together and can see it through
Cause you've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me - Toy Story ♫

Yes, ladies and gentlemen - that's my kid with a runny nose. This is nothing new. As soon as you wipe his nose it runs right away. I have stock in Kleenex just because of how much the damn thing runs. I always ask him why it runs and he tells me - because it likes to. Okay, Mr. Smartypants.

I was so stoked for him to be his happy purple ghost and instead we ended up being Buzz Lightyear. Original. Real original. Maybe next year we can get a little more creative.

I have to have a bragging mom moment here - my Bug is SO polite, he minds his Ps and Qs. He told everyone Happy Halloween and Thank You that other parents were telling their children to take notes and to be more like Bug because of how respectful and polite he is! That's right I RAISED MY BOY RIGHT!

So after the third house of trick or treating Bug says to me - Mommy, my bag almost full. I cracked up! All I could do was think, boy you got a long way to go with that big bag Aunty Michelle gave us, but he was so excited I told him that the more houses we went to the more full it would be. Talk about running like a bat out of hell to the next house as he yells, TO INFINITY AND BEYOND.

Thank you Buzz, thank you.

I have to say, for being three and only going down a couple of blocks the kid made out like a bandit.

Unfortunately Bug had to go back to his dad's and tomorrow is Bug Love day. Only one way to send him back. Full of sugar. ♥

Today has been one of those days where I really REALLY wish I worked from home. For those of you who don't know what I do, I am a buyer for a defense contracting company. Pretty badass, huh? It gets more badass at the fact I really can't tell you a damn thing about my job or else....yeah, you know it. I'm gonna have to hire someone to come after you if you know anything more than that.

I have to admit I have no tolerance for stupid people. I have little tolerance for them to begin with but today was just one of those days where there just was none at all. In my previous blogs I've mentioned that I'm what Lace calls "Texas". You don't screw with me, you don't lie to me, and you don't ask me stupid questions without getting all your facts straight. Is that too hard to ask? APPARENTLY SO.

Today was just brutal. I had a vendor flat out lie and whine to me today and that just doesn't fly in my book. I don't care who you are. That sure as hell isn't going to make me want your business anymore. I've had a couple of those in the past year and I took care of that real quick. I don't use them anymore. I have a three year old and he doesn't whine and bitch as much as some of the people I deal with.